Bay Area Business Lawyers | Primum Law

5 Things to Look for in Your General Counsel

5 Things to Look for in Your General Counsel

For any business, whether it’s a small startup or a large corporation, having the right legal assistance can make a world of difference. A good corporate attorney can guide you towards making the right decisions for your finances, your management structure, and help you protect your unique goods and services. With thousands of new companies popping up every year here in the Bay Area, the demand for general counsel has never been greater. The rise of general counsel services in San Francisco and across the nation speaks to the growing awareness of the value of broad legal help in the business world.

If you are searching for the best general counsel to guide your business, here are a few things that you should look for in a law firm:

  1. Generalized experience: Unlike many other legal specialties, general counsel should have a very broad background in a variety of business law services. Don’t worry too much about the tiny details, but go with a law firm that shows solid experience in many aspects of business, including startup counseling, intellectual property, business torts, and more.
  1. Commercial strategy: Your general counsel is more than just an attorney to have around when you have specific legal questions- they should also act as a shrewd business strategist. Having a dedicated attorney for your company allows you to plan for success well into the future.
  1. Demonstrable reliability: When you hire general counsel, you should expect them to act as part of your company’s team, and show up when you ask them to. Look for a firm that answers your emails and phone calls in a reasonable time, is fully present for your meetings, and seems truly invested in your business.
  1. Positive reviews: You understandably want to know what past and present clients think of your potential general counsel, so don’t hesitate to ask around. Search online for reviews of the law firm, put out feelers in your San Francisco neighborhood, and if there aren’t many published reviews yet, trust your intuition.
  1. Industry connections: Business is all about who you know, and your general counsel should act as another potential network of contacts to help you succeed. Look for a firm that is well connected in your local area, and within your industry, and can leverage these connections when appropriate.

Want to learn more about how San Francisco general counsel services can help your company? Reach out to us today for your free consultation!

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