Bay Area Business Lawyers | Primum Law

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Business Tips: Don’t Go Into Negotiations Without an Attorney

Business Tips: Don’t Go Into Negotiations Without an Attorney

Today’s tech and financial sectors are competitive and intimidating, and it’s critical that you enter each and every negotiation with the proper preparation. Whenever you are meeting with anyone related to your business, whether that is an investor, client, vendor, or someone else, it pays to know what to expect and have a clear goal

Business Tips: Don’t Go Into Negotiations Without an Attorney Read More »

Thinking Of Closing Your Business? Four Questions to Ask First

Thinking Of Closing Your Business? Four Questions to Ask First

Here in California, there are many small business owners, and with today’s competitive market, it’s not uncommon for those businesses to run into trouble. Unfortunate things like falling victim to product defects, employment lawsuits, or financial mismanagement can all derail a business, and it’s understandable to consider shutting up shop when things aren’t going well.

Thinking Of Closing Your Business? Four Questions to Ask First Read More »

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