Bay Area Business Lawyers | Primum Law

Do You Have Plans for a New Business in the New Year?

Many people make resolutions for the upcoming year. One common idea that you may have is putting your entrepreneurial side to work and starting a new business. Forming a company takes planning and forethought, and it cannot be done overnight.

Every company needs the legal infrastructure that allows it to work. You would need to register your company with the state. Before you can do that, you must select the right business form that works best for you. Then, you must draft the necessary documents to operate your business. If you are going into business with other people, you would need an agreement with them. In addition, your business may require bylaws that state how it will be run. Potential investors and stakeholders will want to see that your company is organized, and they will see it through meticulous planning and documentation.

In addition, your business may center on a certain idea. If you have intellectual property, you will need to move to protect it through the patent, copyright, and trademark processes. Otherwise, your investment and intellectual capital could be at risk. Further, your business may need certain permits to operate.

You will want to focus on getting your business off the ground and beginning to earn revenues. You should outsource key functions to others to save you time and enable you to become more efficient. You can hire an experienced small business attorney to handle the legal aspects of starting a business. Your lawyer will help you build a legal infrastructure for your business as it grows.

Contact a San Francisco Business Attorney Today

The Primum Law Group can partner with your business, both as you launch it and as you grow. To speak with an attorney, you can send us a message online or call us today at 415.293.8042.

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