Bay Area Business Lawyers | Primum Law

Common Startup Mistakes

When you have an idea for a startup, it can be tempting to jump right in and start doing business. However, when you start a company in the wrong manner, it is much more likely to fail. The following are some common mistakes that startup owners make that can jeopardize their success.

Skipping over the business plan. It might seem tedious to put together a business plan but the planning stage is essential for most companies.

Undervaluing what you offer. Many new business owners lack confidence, so they undervalue their services and products. Market research is essential to set a price point, and you should want competitive pricing that still reflects the value you provide.

Not having operating agreements. Even if you are operating as an LLC or partnership, it is still important to have an operating agreement between owners. This agreement can help guide you when conflicts arise in the first few months of operations.

Over or underspending. Some new owners think that starting a business requires spending a lot on equipment, the perfect space, inventory, and more. Overspending can put your company in a dire financial position from the start. On the other hand, not investing enough in your business can leave you without the tools you need to succeed. Having a proper business budget can help you hit your target for spending.

Not consulting with a business lawyer in San Francisco. The right business lawyer can advise you on what is necessary to start a company in San Francisco. This is the best way to set yourself up for success for your new business.

Speak with a Business Lawyer in San Francisco

The Primum Law Group helps owners in all stages of business, from startups to companies that are winding up. Call 415.293.8042 or contact us online to consult with a San Francisco business attorney.

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